Using the GiftRocker Shopkeeper app, a redeem can be accomplished in 3 easy steps:
- Shopkeeper login
- Press “Redeem” button and focus camera on the certificate’s QR Code
- Set billed amount and press submit
Finally, enter the billed amount in your shop’s POS under your designated GiftRocker payment key. Here are a few tips to troubleshoot if you’re having issues. If you are still having problems, please contact
Shopkeeper login
Press “Redeem” button and focus camera on QRCode
Set billed amount and press submit

You will then see a Thank You message letting you know how much money remains on certificate (if any). Share this amount with customer
- Redeem at table. Do not carry away customer phone as you would a credit card. Customers do not like this!
- Remember the camera is in the upper right corner of the iPhone. This will help you find the QRCode.
- If the camera is not focusing, move it slowly away from the QRCode and then slowly back towards the QRCode.
- Troubleshooting provides some reasons why you may be having trouble with the scan.